Book, Everyday, Society


Happy Tuesday. Germany won against Portugal 4-0 yesterday, could not have asked for a better result. Deutschland Sehr Gut, very good. Normal day reading “Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II” by Keith Lowe, purchased a copy on the way home recently. “Savage Continent” is a fact-oriented book, describing the impact World War Two had on Europe in general terms afterwards.

How people were starved to death during (due to food shortage or enforced), for instance, the war spared no one. Tell you more about the book when I´m finished reading. Enjoy a lovely video of Minsk, Belarus (click here), watched it several times, the music is wonderful. Are you reading anything?

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10 thoughts on “Blue

  1. Så fint bilde av deg😃 uff ja, trist lesing…leser ikke noe nå, fikk “Uroens bok” av mamma, den skal leses snart.. Nå er det fotballkamp😃 tenker du også sitter å ser på!😃

  2. I saw the game, Germany played very well (not that I expected anything less) and the book sounds very interesting, can’t wait to hear more.

  3. I don’t watch football:))) I was disappointed with Russian team many years ago and still think they can’t play:)))
    I really want to read something interesting but can’t find time:)))

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